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The Dark Matter Universe is made up of lots of different races here are just a few and every two weeks i will add another to the mix.​




Humans once started on Earth, but spread out to many other hospitable planets after terraforming  them. Now, the galaxies are littered with them in their attempt to mingle with the other locale. Creative, emotional and somewhat easily manipulated by others, humans have an amazing way of pulling through most tough situations.


Once animals, Anthros are the product of evolution over a prolonged period of time into a more human form. This has become apparent for several planets. In some cases, such as Earth 2400, they live in (mostly) harmony with the human race. In others, such as alternate Earth, Yarth, they have dominated any other species. Whilst human in their qualities, they almost always fall back on their animalistic instincts in order to get things done.



The Gears are genetically modified Shi, some robotic and some through gene splicing. Very few exist in the galaxies, but those that do are ruthless and immensely powerful. Some have been sealed away into a cocoon-like state to contain their power and stop them from needlessly slaughtering through their want to test their strength. This is all due to the fact that they were created to take revenge on the Shi council. And they did. After they attacked the council, a war broke out between the Shi and Gears, lasting a total of 6 years. The Gears eventually scattered into obscurity and whilst rare, still exist out in the stars...

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